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How to Identify the Signs of Overweight

 Feeling good in your own body is important, but sometimes that nagging feeling might be a sign you are carrying a few extra pounds. While stepping on the scale can be a good starting point, there are other ways to identify if you might be overweight. Let’s explore some signs to watch for and why taking action early matters for your overall health and well-being.

Overweight vs. Obesity

So, we mentioned overweight, but what exactly does that mean?  Doctors often use a tool called Body Mass Index (BMI) to categorize weight. It is a calculation based on your height and weight, and it gives a general idea of whether you are in a healthy weight range, overweight, or obese.

Here is how it works:- 

  • Healthy Weight: A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy.
  • Overweight: A BMI of 25 to 29.9 falls under the overweight category.
  • Obesity: A BMI of 30 or higher is classified as obesity.

While BMI is a helpful starting point, it is important to remember it has limitations.  For example, it does not take into account muscle mass, which can be denser than fat. So, a very muscular person might have a high BMI even though they are not carrying excess body fat.

 This means considering factors like body fat distribution, waist circumference, overall health, and family history.  A doctor or registered dietitian can help you interpret your BMI and other health markers to get a clearer picture.

Spotting the Signs of Overweight

 Here are some other signs that might indicate you are carrying more weight than is healthy for your body:

  • Your Body’s Talking: Notice an increase in body fat, especially around your waistline? This can be a sign of excess weight. Our bodies are pretty good communicators, and extra fat around the middle can be a red flag.
  • Everyday Activities Feel Like a Chore: Struggling to climb a flight of stairs or feeling winded after a short walk? Difficulty performing simple tasks can be a sign that excess weight is putting a strain on your body.
  • Shortness of Breath or Fatigue: Feeling constantly out of puff or lacking energy throughout the day? These could be signs that your body is working harder than usual to carry extra weight.
  • Aches and Pain Are Your New Normal: Does your body feel like it is constantly complaining? Joint pain can be linked to excess weight putting stress on your bones and muscles.
  • Change of Size of your clothes:-  Having to squeeze into your once favorite clothes or needing to buy a whole new wardrobe in a larger size can be a sign of weight gain.

But it is not all physical! Sometimes, how you feel emotionally can also be a clue:

  • Feeling Down on Yourself: Is your weight impacting your self-esteem or body image? This is a common concern for people who are overweight.
  • Running on Empty: Do you feel constantly tired or like you never have enough energy? Excess weight can zap your energy levels, making it harder to feel your best.
  • Restless Nights: Struggling to fall asleep or staying asleep throughout the night? Weight gain can disrupt your sleep patterns, leaving you feeling exhausted.

Why Identifying Overweight Matters

Noticing these signs does not mean you have a serious health problem. But it is a nudge to take action. Here is why early detection of overweight is important:

  • Health Risks: Being overweight can increase your risk of developing chronic conditions down the line. We are talking about things like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. The earlier you identify weight gain, the sooner you can take steps to prevent or manage these risks.
  • Feel Better, Live Better: Carrying extra weight can take a toll on your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. By addressing overweight early, you can improve your quality of life and feel your best self.

 Therefore, patch it up early. The same goes for taking charge of your weight. 

Important Tips

Now you know what to watch for, but what do you do next? Here are some tips:

  • Talk to Your Doctor: They can assess your overall health, discuss your weight concerns, and recommend personalized guidance on weight management.
  • Consider a Registered Dietitian: A dietitian can create a balanced meal plan that fits your needs and preferences.
  • Start Making Small Changes: Do not overwhelm yourself! Begin with small, sustainable changes you can incorporate into your daily routine. 

Most importantly, regular exercise is a key part of weight management. Find activities you enjoy, whether it is a  walk in the park, joining a group fitness class at a gym like gym in Al Barsha or gym in Silicon Oasis, or following an online workout program.

Remember, weight management is about feeling good, having energy, and reducing your risk of chronic diseases. Focus on making healthy choices and live happily! 

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