Category: Uncategorised

  • 6 reasons why exercise is good for your health

    6 reasons why exercise is good for your health

    We all know going to the gym is good for us. But how exactly does it help? Here are the top 6 benefits of exercising, according to fitness experts. If you haven’t started your fitness journey yet, start today. It’s better late than never. 

    Weight control 

    If you think you can lose all those extra pounds just by skipping meals, you are wrong. A reduction in calorie intake will result in a delay in weight loss. Regular exercise, on the other hand, will increase your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories, thereby reaching your desired weight. To maintain a healthy weight, the calories you intake must be equal to the energy you burn. And to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. 

    Boosts energy 

    Huffing and puffing while climbing stairs or doing household chores? Exercising regularly increases muscle strength and boosts your energy to a great extent. It increases your heart rate, delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, which makes you work more efficiently. And also, when your lungs and heart improve, you will have more energy to do things without much hassle. 

    Decreases the risk of illness 

    Concerned much about heart diseases? Or are you on a run to prevent high blood pressure or diabetes? If you are planning to add exercise to your daily routine, you are one step closer to living a healthy life. No matter what your current weight or body level is, working out regularly combats health conditions and diseases. 

    Exercise helps flush bacteria out of the lungs, reducing the chances of getting flu or cold. It also drives off chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and can help with high blood pressure. The top point is that exercising helps to improve cognitive functions and help lower the risk of death from all causes. 

    Now that you have a clear idea of how exercise can decrease illness, just think about how lack of physical activity can impact your health. It can cause many health problems, including high cholesterol, inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and more. But wait! Before starting a new exercise regimen, it’s recommended to consult your personal trainer to avoid any injuries. Nitro Gym in Silicon Oasis has experienced personal trainers who can guide you and customize workout plans for you. 

    Improves your mood 

    Need a mood lift? Or need relief after a stressful day? A gym session will help. Regular exercise, along with food preferences and stress levels, can greatly affect mood and reduce your risks of anxiety and depression. It also stimulates various brain chemicals that will make you feel happier and more relaxed, which lifts your mood.  

    If you’re not able to meet the exercise guidelines, don’t stress. Some simple physical exercise can still reduce depression and anxiety by lifting your mood. Get in touch with the personal fitness trainers at Nitro Gym in Al Barsha to learn more about your fitness level and what workouts best suit your body type. 

    Better sleep 

    Struggling to get some quality sleep? Regular exercise, especially moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise, can improve sleep, which can increase sleep quality and decrease the amount of time you lie awake in bed during the night.

    In addition to getting quality sleep, physical activity can also help you increase the duration of your resting time. Being physically active means you need more energy than usual, you feel more tired and ready to rest by the end of the day. Deep sleep helps to boost immune function, support cardiac health, and also controls stress and depression. 

    Strong muscles and bones 

    It is a fact that when we get older, we lose muscle mass and function, which may result in high chances of injury. Your muscles and bones work together to support every movement you make on a daily basis. But when you work out regularly, you may reduce muscle loss and maintain strength. Strong bones and muscles protect against injuries and improve balance and coordination. Activities like weight lifting and aerobics can stimulate muscle building when paired with sufficient protein intake.

    Regular workouts also help you build bone density when you’re younger, in addition to preventing muscle loss in the future. Exercise is for everyone. No matter what your fitness level is, you can still find exercises that suit you the best. Remember, a little amount of activity is better than none.

  • 5 Fitness Mistakes to avoid to go from beginner to winner

    5 Fitness Mistakes to avoid to go from beginner to winner

    Fitness and workouts, like our life, are full of trials and errors. No matter what your fitness level is, there will be some exercises that perfectly suit your needs. From a low-impact workout to lifting weights, you can find an exercise that you can enjoy to the fullest. After all, if you are a complete beginner and have no experience, how do you find where to begin? 

    Unfortunately, because of this lack of experience, many beginners tend to make fitness mistakes that hinder their progress. More often, they make mistakes that prevent them from getting the most out of their workouts. It’s recommended that you consult your personal trainer before making a workout decision on your own. Nitro Gym in Silicon Oasis has fitness experts who can customize your workout plans depending on your fitness goal. 

    Here are five mistakes that you all should avoid to make your fitness journey smoother. 

    Doing too much 

    In today’s “everything or nothing” society, it’s quite common for beginners to overdo workouts straight out of the gate. Muscle building or fat burning is not as difficult as you think. Too often, people overwork themselves, which results in negative consequences. When you do too many workouts at the beginning stage, your performance will decrease, leading to muscle soreness, and risk of serious injuries. You might feel that doing too much workout can help reach your fitness goal faster, but the fact is that it might have an opposite effect. 

    Setting long-term goals 

    Setting a fitness goal is vital to your success. But setting a long-term goal can set you back. Set goals that you can meet based on the fitness level and goals. Trying to tackle some long-term goal all at once can exhaust yourself, willpower, time and energy. You will get a lot of frustration because it takes so long to reach your goals. 

    If you are a beginner, you may feel discouraged by your lack of improvement. Instead of taking long term goals into action, try setting short term goals that you can achieve. So that after reaching your goal, you feel confident and increase your self-esteem which results in achieving more goals in the future. These smaller goals will boost your confidence at higher levels as you complete them while allowing you to create new ones.

    Ignoring proper nutrition 

    No matter how intensely you train, you won’t get the fruitful result you dreamed of if you don’t give your body the fuel to grow. Dreaming of becoming stronger or building muscles? Make sure to consume adequate protein, carbs, and water. Give yourself the appropriate nutrients to keep the body healthy while limiting the amount of unhealthy foods you consume.

    The nutrition plans might vary for each individual depending on their body type and fitness goals. That means, the diet plans of a bodybuilder will be very different from those of a person who just wants to shed some extra pounds. You can get in touch with the personal trainers at the gym in Al Barsha to get your diet plans exclusively customized depending on your fitness level. 

    Not tracking anything 

    If you don’t track anything, you might feel that you’re making no progress at all. Tracking can show you which exercises are really good for you and which are less successful.

    Keep track of everything in your workout: what workouts you did, how many reps you did, the weight you lifted, and more. By tracking how much you’re lifting and how many times, you can clearly see your progress as it happens. Also, track your physique by taking regular photos and measuring your bodyweight. This will help you know about your ups and downs and give you a clear picture of your progress level. Last but not least, it also serves as motivation to exercise and lift more than you have done before. 

    Not having rest time 

    Rest days are an important part of any workout program. They give the body a chance to repair and recover and help prevent injuries to a great extent. Regular exercise without taking a rest day can result in mental and physical exhaustion. Without a rest day, muscles, joints, and other important structures of the body do not have enough time to repair themselves, which hinders progress. The rest period is going to help you expend maximum effort, which is key to the muscle-building process.

    These mistakes may seem minor for you, but they can highly affect your progress. Next time you’re working out, make sure that you avoid these common mistakes to maximize your workout and get fruitful results.

  • 8 Weight loss mistakes to STOP doing now

    8 Weight loss mistakes to STOP doing now

    Most people make healthy lifestyle choices—cut down on calories, do regular workouts, avoid junk foods, and so on. But despite following a strict weight-loss diet, do you still find yourself unable to lose weight? If the answer is yes, you are making some weight loss mistakes that prevent you from seeing the changes you’re looking for. Here are 8 common mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight. 

    Not drinking enough water

    The advice to drink enough water may seem overstated, but studies show a relation between water intake and weight loss. Firstly, it is an appetite suppressant and can help you feel full. Water is also essential for the process of burning fat stored in the body. It is also the best substitute for sweet drinks like cola and juice. Lastly, it keeps the body hydrated and the mind fresh. One bonus perk- your skin will be glowing! So make sure to stay hydrated especially after a workout.

    Following health fads like juice cleanses

    Following a liquid diet can be a good source of vitamins and may lead to weight loss. However, they have many undesirable effects that are not highlighted by the wellness companies. These diets are usually void of protein and necessary fats. It can also lead to fatigue, headaches and nutrient deficiency. Though juice cleanses can lead to weight loss, it will be short term and may do more harm than good. It is better to lose weight in a healthy manner than look for quick fix solutions.

    Only focusing on cardio

    Cardio exercises are popular because it helps you burn more calories. In the process, do not neglect strength training exercises which can also help you lose weight. Strength training not only converts fat into muscle mass, but also helps trim belly fat. Maintain a balance between the two kinds of exercises for the best results. 

    Consuming ‘diet’ foods 

    We all understand how soda may inhibit our progress, and stay away from it. But a hidden enemy is the diet soda which we think is safe. In reality, the artificial sweeteners contained in diet sodas are also harmful and addictive. Plus, they also make the body crave sweet things. Instead of soda or packaged fruit juice, opt for water. To give it a hint of flavour, add mint or sliced oranges. Or better yet opt for green tea- a weight loss staple. For more favorable diet tips, you can get in touch with the personal trainers at Nitro Gym, and experience the exhilarating journey at the gym in Silicon Oasis

    Not enough protein

    Protein is one of the most important nutrients for promoting weight loss. In addition to reducing the intake of fatty foods, increase your protein intake. For best results, it is recommended to consume 30% protein of total calorie intake. It helps in reducing appetite, increases metabolism and also helps muscle development. Egg, milk, cheese, yogurt and fish are good sources of protein. For vegetarians, protein is available in green peas, lentils, peanuts and oats to name a few.

    Too much protein

    While protein is important in building muscle, excess intake can actually lead to weight gain. Excess protein is stored in the form of fat if the amount of protein consumed is more than calories burned. Remember to be careful while using protein powders and protein shakes as they may also contain excess calories and added sugars. The gym experts at Nitro Gym, one of the best gyms in Al Barsha, will help you develop customized plans exclusively for you. 

    Not getting enough sleep

    Several studies connect sleep deprivation to weight gain. A healthy 7 – 8 hours of sleep is needed for the human body to rest. Sleep helps keep a healthy metabolism. The hormones ghrelin and leptin are affected by sleep deprivation. These hormones actually help us regulating our eating habits. Lack of sleep throws off the balance, leading to weight gain. So put down your phone and hit the hay an hour earlier- it may help you achieve your goals faster.

    Being too focused on the scale

    While regular weight tracking helps visualise progress, being hyper focused on the scale may give you anxiety about your weight loss or lack thereof. It is important to understand that weight fluctuates daily based even on the amount of water you drink. If you are strength training, you may find weight stay the same for some time due to the fact that fat loss is being compensated by increase in muscle mass. So remember to be kind to yourself while doing the best you can. 

    Above all keep in mind that the simple acts of working out and healthy eating are contributing to a healthier and proactive lifestyle, and you are miles beyond where you first started. 


  • A Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding for Women

    A Beginner’s Guide to Bodybuilding for Women

    Are you a woman with strong willpower and dedication? Have you been considering entering the world of female bodybuilding, but you’re not sure where to begin? Starting bodybuilding for women requires three things: a great workout routine, an equally impressive diet, and complete dedication.

    Bodybuilding is no small commitment, but it’s definitely one that’s worth exploring. No matter how strong and courageous you are, the road from a complete beginner weightlifter to an intermediate bodybuilder is sure to be a long and sweaty one. It doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your bodybuilding goal; you can definitely achieve success if you have the proper mindset and dedication. 

    Female bodybuilding has grown too much in fame in the last few decades. If you have a strong ambition or desire to step onto the female bodybuilding stage, stop pondering how to start it. Instead, kick off your incredible bodybuilding journey today. Not every gym can be the training zone for bodybuilders. Body building requires some special and heavy equipment. Nitro Gym in Silicon Oasis is well equipped and a favorite among bodybuilders. As one of the top bodybuilding gyms in Silicon Oasis, it has dedicated gym experts who will help you with bodybuilding training sessions and personalized diet charts. 

    How to start bodybuilding for women? 

    So you want to become a competitive bodybuilder? We got you. With focus, dedication, and willpower, without a doubt you can achieve your dream body. Stop procrastinating your goals and start your bodybuilding journey today. These steps will surely help you with the process. 

    Choose a personal trainer 

    First comes first! Why should someone hire a personal trainer? The answer is pretty simple. There will be days that even the dedicated gym-goer will not want to go to the gym, or a high-calorie food (maybe a cupcake or pizza) will sound a whole lot better than lean meat and veggies. Hiring an experienced personal trainer will help you in many ways, like making a routine, customizing diet charts, motivating, and of course, an extra kick to get through your lazy days and tough workout session. Nitro Gym, one of the best equipped gyms in Al Barsha, has personal trainers to motivate you with personal diet charts and workout plans and will always keep track of your progress. We have trainers in DSO as well as Barsha who have been into competitions as well as champions in the competition. 

    Proper Training 

    There are two stages in a bodybuilding program: bulking and cutting. The bulking stage of training can last as long as needed to gain the muscle mass desired. Athletes mainly focus on an excess of calories to build muscle while minimizing body fat gain. On the other hand, cutting is a slow and steady process of creating a calorie deficit, and using cardio and high-intensity interval training to reduce body fat while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible.

    Don’t ignore machines. If you are a beginner weightlifter, it can be beneficial to use machines, as they will keep the body in the proper position throughout the exercise. Nothing beats working hard and lifting heavy weights to build lean muscle, being precise with calories and the diet, and having the dedication to commit to a strict yet highly rewarding lifestyle. 

    Proper Diet 

    Trials and errors are part of finding the correct balance of calories and macronutrients for each individual. Carbs, protein, and fat are usually included in every meal, but the overall calorie requirement varies based on which stage of training you are in. Always concentrate on choosing quality proteins such as lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy, and eggs. Vegans can opt for seeds, nuts, legumes, and plant-based protein powders. If you have a hard time getting enough of this nutrient in your diet, consider using protein shakes. 

    And last, be patient ladies! Increasing the size and strength of your muscles takes time, effort, and 100 percent consistency. Nothing changes overnight! Slowly, but progressively, your body will adapt, so it’s crucial to test yourself regularly to make sure that you are properly adjusting the weights, reps, and you are taking enough rest in between the workouts as you need to get stronger to increase the intensity of the workouts. 

  • HIIT vs. strength training: which is best for weight loss?

    HIIT vs. strength training: which is best for weight loss?

    Are you someone who just began your fitness journey? Or you want to start a fitness program, but you keep getting stuck on the benefits of strength training vs. high-intensity interval training? 

    Both HIIT and strength training have their unique benefits, but one type of workout might be better suited for you depending on what your fitness goal is. Let’s look at the differences and similarities between strength training and HIIT to help you choose which is best for you.


    Weight loss

    These days, the two magic words in weight loss are HIIT and strength training. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn while you are at rest. Both strength training and HIIT support fat burning, but HIIT does so to a much greater degree. Since you’re performing exercises without much rest, you’ll have a higher heart rate. This will lead to burning more calories during the workout, and a greater level of afterburn. 

    Build muscle 

    Both HIIT and strength training will help you build muscle mass. Strength training will definitely give you the benefit of using more than 100% of your maximum, resulting in huge leaps in muscle size. During a HIIT workout, you can change the tempo to a high level of difficulty, resulting in more lean tissue. You won’t get huge with HIIT, but you’ll undoubtedly look lean and muscular.

    Increase performance 

    While high-intensity interval training helps improve agility, flexibility, and endurance, resulting in better performance, strength training increases your ability to perform weight-bearing activities. Nitro Gym is one of the best gyms in Silicon Oasis, with all the equipment that you need for your fitness journey. The professional experts at the gym will help you choose a workout plan that is suitable for you. 

    Improve overall health 

    Both of these training forms are beneficial for your cardiovascular health and overall wellness. Strength training and HIIT, both of which have been shown to support brain health, improve mood, and increase longevity. 



    For most of the HIIT workouts, all you need is enough space to perform your training. On the other hand, strength training requires a few pieces of equipment, to name: a bench, a barbell, and dumbbells. But it’s always recommended to consult your personal trainer before moving on to any new exercise regime. Nitro Gym, the top equipped gym in Al Barsha has professional gym experts who can guide you well throughout your journey. 


    While strength training does support fat burning, cardiovascular health, and flexibility, HIIT workouts are better at it. HIIT also triggers higher levels of excess post-oxygen consumption, which is the afterburn effect that keeps burning calories for hours after you finish the workout. While high intensity interval training does help with muscle building, strength training is far better if you want serious size. 


    Strength training is time-consuming; if you want to target more than 2 muscle groups at once, you may have to spend 1-2 hours, whereas HIIT workout time ranges from 15 minutes to an hour. 

  • The importance and benefits of Martial arts in life

    The importance and benefits of Martial arts in life

    What are Martial arts; An understanding 

    Do you prefer to watch action movies? Have you seen characters in the movie fly across the screen in a flurry of fists and feet, evidently unaffected by the laws of physics? We would appreciate watching characters slice wooden boards through the air using their bare hands. Isn’t it? You might have already imagined the situation, and a few things might have come to mind. Karate, kickboxing, kung fu, jujitsu. Yes. This is exactly what is meant by martial arts. 

    Simply put, martial arts refers to training for combat that is organized or arranged. It includes any kind of fighting technique, physically defeating opponents, and defending against possible threats. In addition to teaching the basic techniques of fighting, martial arts also focus on mental peace. Regardless of age, gender, or physical ability, one can practice it as a hobby, a sport, or as a routine for physical or mental health. Through regular repetition of hand and foot movements, kicks, blocks, and punches, those who learn the techniques of martial arts increase their physical strength and mental toughness. 

    But don’t forget to consult your physical trainer before starting, as the chances of getting injured are high. Nitro Gym, one of the top gyms in Silicon Oasis, has passionate trainers who can help you with the journey.

    The Importance and Benefits of Martial arts in real life 

    Now you understand the real meaning of martial arts. But let me ask you: have you ever thought about the importance and benefits of Martial arts in real life? If your answer is no, you have come to the right place. 


    One major benefit of learning martial arts is an improved ability to perform self-defense in situations where there is a real threat. Learning this very useful skill makes you more able to defend yourself when suddenly attacked or confronted with a situation where you need to think quickly and act quickly. Majority of the people who signed up for martial arts training might have joined training for the purpose of personal safety. Training in martial arts helps you gain the ability to defend yourself in any tough situation. 


    A boost in self-confidence is one of the most well-known benefits of martial arts. By training martial arts, you are pretty sure that you can handle any threat that comes your way because you expose yourself to challenging and dangerous situations and perform at your best. Here, you are building not only necessary skills but also your confidence. You are training yourself to focus and perform under pressure, no matter what the circumstance may be that is causing the utmost pressure. And of course, the knowledge that you can take care of yourself and your close ones provides a major boost to your confidence. 

    Physical health 

    We can say that the physical benefits of martial arts are countless. Along with heart health, flexibility, muscle building, and mobility, martial arts skills undoubtedly provide a full-body workout. Consistent practice has shown to increase overall flexibility, improve your body’s pressure response, and increase muscle. With each training class, you will see the difference better than your previous class. Every form of martial arts helps in increasing cardio-vascular health, helps you increase core strength, helps improve posture, and also it helps you achieve improved relaxation of body and mind. 


    If you think martial arts training just helps you learn self-defense only, you’re missing out on a lot of other benefits that could help you. While training martial arts, the mind is engaged, improving your focus and concentration. So, if you are looking to enhance your frame of mind too, martial arts are highly recommended. 

    If you’re considering martial arts, either for yourself or for your kids, it’s a great choice. But wait! It can be tough and confusing to commit to something new. It’s always recommended to consult your personal trainer before starting a new regimen.

  • 6 reasons why you should go to the gym

    6 reasons why you should go to the gym

    We all know that there are many benefits to going to the gym. But why do you think you need to go to the gym? To get that perfect body, look younger, and stay in shape? Or is it because everyone else goes there too? Or do you simply need to show off your muscles to someone? Whatever the reason is, I would say going to the gym works really well rather than sitting on the couch surfing the internet “how to lose weight and get in shape” while eating a packet of potato chips. 

    The benefit of joining a gym is that you’ll be able to train across all fitness disciplines and will have access to expert instruction. Working out at the gym is more advantageous than working out at home. If you are doing new exercises at home, you might be confused about whether you are doing it the right way or not. A gym workout will make you a more productive person in all ways. You need to find out if the gym you’re going to join is the right fit. Nitro Gym is one of the top gyms in Silicon Oasis, with personal trainers and world-class equipment to help you in your fitness journey. 

    Boosts energy levels 

    Have you ever wondered how the people in the gym work out beyond their capacity and are still not exhausted for the rest of the day? Working out at the gym is a great way to boost your energy level and will help you feel more alert. If you often feel tired throughout the day and you would like to increase your energy level to some point, this is it. Regular physical activity boosts oxygen circulation inside your body, which allows your body to function properly and use its energy more efficiently.

    Strengthen and shape your body 

    Regular workouts and strength training will improve your physique in a way that you have only dreamed of. However, gym workouts are purposefully planned to bring your body back to shape. It helps increase your strength, flexibility, and speed. Depending on the size of your fitness facility, you may have everything you need under one roof to get the amazing benefits of gym workouts. Nitro Gym is a well-equipped gym in Al Barsha with the top-notch trainers that you can depend on at any time to help you throughout your fitness journey. 

    Improves your body functions

    Regular physical activities strengthen your heart, allowing it to pump more efficiently with less possible strain. It also keeps your blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the normal range and will keep your cholesterol levels in check. Plus, it can help manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety, which most people are suffering from nowadays. Daily gym workouts also help keep the fat levels in check and increase the body’s metabolism. 

    Promote quality sleep 

    Studies have found that people who exercise can sleep better than people who don’t exercise. Gym workouts enable you to have quality sleep. This will help you wake up energized in the morning. Physical activity increases the time spent in deep sleep, the physically restorative sleep stage. Deep sleep helps you to boost immune function, support cardiac health, and also control stress and anxiety to a great extent. 

    Boost confidence 

    Doing a regular workout routine at the gym can lead to higher levels of confidence and self-satisfaction. There are endless opportunities to set goals for yourself and achieve them while going to the gym, and you’ll be taking care of yourself while doing it! Think about the satisfaction of reaching goals you’ve set for yourself, and you’ll find that workouts can be a great tool for boosting your confidence.

    Good for your muscles and bones 

    People who exercise regularly at the gym are less likely to face problems with their bones and joints. Regular exercise provides athletic performance in the long term, even in older people. Bone-strengthening exercises are highly beneficial when it comes to increasing muscle strength. These exercises not only increase muscle strength but also result in better health. Increased muscle strength helps you perform your daily activities more actively.

  • What is weight loss; Facts and myths

    What is weight loss; Facts and myths

    What is weight loss: An Introduction 

    Have you been struggling to lose some extra kilos and feel defeated despite your best efforts because you’ve seen no desired changes in weight? Before you move on to starvation mode to lose weight faster, read this. It is a common misconception that, in order to lose weight, you need to go on a starvation diet. NO! Weight loss doesn’t mean starvation. You might be working hard and putting a large amount of pressure on yourself on weekdays to eat healthy in smaller portions. This might be hard for you to control yourself when you are offering a treat, especially on weekdays. Not only will this completely negate the calories and fat you’d worked hard to lose for your physical health, it’s also likely to have a big negative impact on your mental health. The only way to avoid this is to not starve yourself. Instead, you can focus on eating small, but effective, meal portions that are nutritious enough to make you feel full. 

    Weight Loss: Myths & Facts

    When it comes to weight loss, many popular beliefs are just myths, and others are only partly true. Here are some facts and myths to help you sort through what you hear.


    Fat makes you fat 

    This is a common misconception among people. Fat doesn’t make you fat. We gain weight when we eat more than we need, whether that’s from protein, carbohydrates, or fats. In fact, getting required amounts of healthy fats in your diet plan may make managing your weight easier. Natural food sources are normally considered to be good sources of fat. Eating these fats can help increase metabolism, stimulate fat burning, reduce hunger, optimize cholesterol levels, and even reverse type 2 diabetes.

    Processed, refined, and fried foods are usually the ones that contain bad fat. These include mainly trans fats and inflammatory vegetable oils. An increased intake of these unhealthy fats can make you gain a lot of weight and also result in an increase in inflammation. 


    Carbs make you fat 

    People, CARBS DON’T MAKE YOU FAT. The biggest misconception that we hear is the belief that carbs make you fat. Gaining weight is probably caused by eating more calories than your body requires, not by eating carbs. In fact, your body needs enough carbs to function properly. It is an important source of energy that fuels your muscles. If you’ve ever tried cutting carbs from your diet, you probably might have felt a lack of energy, fatigue, and increased hunger. Yes, this is the reason. If you’re eating the right types of carbs, you are giving your body the proper nourishment it needs. 

    But be aware of ultra-processed foods like cookies, cakes, cereal, and ice cream that are full of sugar (carbs) without any of the benefits that smart carbs have – fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These carbs might taste yummilicious but have nothing to offer in terms of value to your body. 


    Diet needs to be radical In order to lose weight 

    No, this isn’t true. A radical diet is not the solution for losing a lot of weight. Successful weight loss involves making small changes that you can stick to for a long time. You can find a way to cut calories that’s both tolerable and sustainable—not a diet that is too harsh and impossible to manage. 

    Nutrition is an evolving science, with new myths and facts appearing every now and then. It is always recommended to consult a registered dietitian, who can help you separate fact from myth and help you achieve your desired health goals in a sustainable manner. Nitro Gym in Silicon Oasis has personal trainers who can help you out with the appropriate diet plans, and more. 


    Fast weight loss leads to weight regain 

    This is a popular myth that you can hear from people. The fact is, those who lose weight faster tend to be more successful in the end, and there is no evidence that shows the opposite. Isn’t it a win right out of the gate? Why shouldn’t someone accept the good side of fast weight loss rather than running behind the “weight regain” myth? 


    You must eat breakfast to lose weight 

    The base of this myth rests upon the belief that eating breakfast will enable a person to reduce their calorie intake throughout the day. It’s true that even today’s official nutrition guidelines recommend that we eat breakfast. However, there is no assurance that just eating breakfast will in any way decrease your total calorie intake for the rest of the day. People who skip breakfast might be hungrier at lunch due to their prolonged fasting state, but it doesn’t mean that people who have breakfast would necessarily eat fewer calories. If you are not having a filling and nutritious breakfast, the chances are that you may end up eating more than your body needs in the afternoon. Therefore, having breakfast may not necessarily reduce your weight, but you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. 


    Spot reduction helps with weight loss 

    The term “spot reduction” refers to burning fat from a specific area of the body, for instance, abdomen, hips, or arms. Spot reduction doesn’t help with weight loss; it’s a myth. If you lose a kg, you lose it from the entire body, from head to toe. During workout, the free fatty acids and glycerol used as fuel can come from anywhere in the body, not specifically from the area that is being exercised. You can get in touch with the personal trainers at Nitro Gym, one of the best gyms in Al Barsha, and you are all set to experience an exhilarating fitness journey.

  • How to lose body fat without losing your Muscle Mass

    How to lose body fat without losing your Muscle Mass

    Most dieters aim to lose body fat while preserving muscle mass. If you’re looking to cut down body fat, unraveling the secret sauce for preserving muscle mass while losing fat can feel quite challenging. This is a real challenge and requires discipline because the body tears down muscle tissue for fuel when you are in a caloric deficit. This doesn’t mean the process is very complicated, but it takes dedication, patience, and proper planning. It’s never a bad idea to consult your personal trainer before beginning a new regime. The professional trainers at Nitro Gym, the best gym in Silicon Oasis, will help you with the process throughout your fitness journey. 

    Weight loss vs. fat loss 

    If your prime concern is staying in shape and achieving a fit body, you might have definitely pondered the terms “fat loss” and “weight loss.” Weight loss and fat loss are often used interchangeably, but they have totally different meanings. 

    In this world full of health freaks and fitness enthusiasts, one of the most common goals they aim for is undoubtedly weight loss. Many people around the world struggle with obesity, excess weight, and many other issues. While trying to lose extra calories and get fit, are you sure you are losing weight? I mean, what if you really want to lose fat, not weight? Pretty confused? 

    Simply put, weight loss refers to the overall drop in body weight, that is, from muscle, fat and water. On the other hand, fat loss refers to a specific drop in the body fat levels. That is, weight loss from fat (fat below the skin and fat in the abdomen or around the organs). It’s a more healthful goal than weight loss. 

    Because of this confusion, most people aim to work out with the purpose of fat loss but end up losing weight instead. It’s recommended to consult your gym trainer to understand more about these in detail. Nitro Gym, one of the best equipped gyms in Al Barsha, has passionate trainers who are dedicated to you on a full-time basis. 

    Tips to lose body fat and gain muscle mass 

    Get your cardio in 

    A cardio workout is the key to losing weight. Don’t skip cardio; just know yourself how much cardio you need to get in to maintain your goals. High-intensity cardio is great, but low-intensity, low-impact cardio is equally beneficial for losing weight and preserving muscle mass. 

    Eat more protein 

     Change your diet plan so that you include more healthy proteins and limit unhealthy fat sources. To maintain muscle, consume at least 1.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight each day including foods such as lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, yogurt, milk, soy beverages, tofu, and legumes. 

    Carbs aren’t your enemy

    Research shows that diets that are higher in carbs and lower in fat may be the better option for lifters and athletes who are looking to lose fat without losing muscle. If you are not eating enough carbs, you are sacrificing muscle as you lose weight. Without consuming enough carbs, the extra protein you eat will be used for energy instead of muscle repair and growth. 

    Give yourself some recovery time 

    In addition to eating healthfully and exercising, rest is equally important when aiming to lose weight and gain muscle. Give yourself some recovery time between workouts. Plan to take at least one or two days off from your exercises each week for better results. If you feel that your body is not coping with the intensity of your workout plan, consider reducing it by half or taking a few additional days off. 

    Increase intensity and continue to strength train 

    To challenge yourself and burn more calories, you can try increasing the intensity of your workouts. You can also try strength training that includes weightlifting, body weight exercises, and resistance band exercises. Strength training helps prevent muscle loss while losing fat. And please, don’t forget to take a break between your workouts. 

    After all, consistency is the key. You can help manage losing weight while gaining muscle mass with a proper diet plan and workout to support fat loss, and maintain a calorie deficit while taking in a lot of protein, carbs, greens, fruits, and veggies. And don’t forget to set realistic goals and keep tracking your progress. Success is on the way.

  • The Importance of Calorie Intake

    The Importance of Calorie Intake

    Folks, have you been facing trouble losing weight even after working out? Do you seem to even gain a few kilos after hitting the gym? Well, there’s nothing to worry about if you gain a bit of practical knowledge on calorie intake.

    What are Calories? 

    Food is mainly composed of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats, when burned, release energy, which is measured in terms of calories. For example, 1 gram of carbohydrates yields approximately 4 calories.

    All the components of food have specific functions like growth, repair, immunity, etc. Our daily nourishment can be divided into three for better understanding.

    • Food that gives energy which primarily consists of fats and carbohydrates.
    • Food that builds the body which is rich in protein
    • Food that provides immunity which is rich in vitamins and minerals 

    A balanced diet that consists of all these nutrients is important for a human, whatever their weight goals might be. Both extremes, that is, overeating and undereating, can be an obstacle to your body goals. One must know how many calories are too many calories, and also try to keep a journal of the types of food one is currently taking.

    While working out, one might not lose weight or even gain weight. It’s actually good news considering that you are gaining muscle mass. And if you eat less than required thinking it would fasten the process of losing weight, it might actually counteract. One certainly requires energy to work out too, you know! And if you don’t provide that fuel to the body you won’t have the energy to work out, hence no losing weight. 

     Studies have found that extreme diets often lead to a compensatory period of overeating. Extreme diets also interfere with the normal secretion of hunger hormones.

    It is certainly difficult to decrease one’s usual intake of calories. One might still feel hungry even after eating the required amount of food. This is where the significance of dietary fibre is understood. 

    Dietary Fibre

    Dietary fibre is the part of the plant that remains undigested by the human digestive system. The primary sources of dietary fibre are vegetables and fruits. It helps us to feel full, regulates bowel movements, and therefore prevents constipation.

    It also has the additional benefits of reducing cholesterol and helping diabetic patients delay absorption. Dietary fibre is an inevitable and unavoidable component of a health-conscious individual in today’s world. 

    Calorie intake and weight loss

    Now let’s make things easy. How does the calorie intake work for a person who is working towards losing weight?

    The required calorie for a person depends upon various factors like sex, age, size, and even genetics. It also depends on a person’s daily activities. An

    athlete requires more calories than an office

    desk job individual required. There are even scientific calculators that can calculate a person’s required calories. However, the average required calories for most women ranges from 1600-2400 calories and for men, it ranges from 2000-3000 calories. 

    In order to maintain one’s weight, one just has to keep up with the above mentioned calories. Inorder to lose weight, decrease the amount of calorie intake along with regular exercise. A drastic cut in calorie intake is widely discouraged and a sustainable weight loss is recommended. That is, one must reduce their calorie intake in small proportions. Eating high fibre content or protein rich food can keep you feeling full. While cutting on food, make sure that you get all the essential nutrients and vitamins too. Include more nutrient dense food like dry fruits, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. 

    Some other things that one can do to help reduce weight include curbing intake of sweetened fluids and increasing intake of water. Restricting yourself from eating refined carbs and ultra processed food is also crucial. Bodyweight exercises that can cause muscle loss due to sudden calorie restriction also play an important role in weight loss.

    Consulting with a dietician will help you understand your specific requirements. They’ll also prescribe a diet that takes regard to any existing illness and conditions. You can connect with the personal trainers at Nitro Gym, the best gym in Al Barsha, to customise your diet plans. 

    Calorie intake and weight gain

    A body can gain weight if it consumes more calories than it burns. This can be achieved by adding 300-500 more calories daily than you normally take. It doesn’t mean that you can gorge on junk food and potato chips. While gaining weight, make sure to build yourself healthy and not just flatten a flabby stomach. 

    High intake of protein and healthy fat is recommended. Proteins like red meat, salmon, whole milk, cheese, eggs etc and fats like nuts, butter, avocadoes etc are examples. Carbohydrates like rice, corn, oats, and potatoes also help to add weight.

    Eating small meals frequently can assist in putting in more calories. Reducing fluid intake during and before meal times can give you an appetite to eat more. Also add alternatives and toppings like milk, cheese, butter, nuts, etc in your meals.

    In the effort to gain weight, one must always aim for lean muscle mass and not excess fat, or else it may lead to other health problems. The type of weight you gain depends upon your exercise routine and the type of nutrients you give to your body. Unhealthy weight gain is mostly visible around one’s abdomen, which is mostly undesirable.

    The positive side of both losing and gaining weight these days is that it need not be stringent and harsh. You don’t have to completely avoid food that you like if you learn the art of balancing diet. You can enjoy a scoop of ice cream today if you can balance it tomorrow. Do not stick to a severe and boring diet. It may demotivate you further. Include different and vibrant food, try out new recipes and enjoy the process. Exercise is important in both cases of losing and gaining weight. And if you feel like you need help, don’t forget to consult a dietician or a fitness trainer. Nitro Gym, one of the top equipped gyms in Silicon Oasis, has experienced dieticians to help you build customised diet plans exclusively for you.

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